Aesthetic Medicine

Facial rejuvenation with botulinum toxin: What is it used for?

Botulinum toxin is applied in patients with wrinkles of expression primarily in the upper third of the face and can also be applied as rejuvenation in the neck by injecting into the platysma. However, the most common areas are especially the wrinkles of the forehead, the so-called crow's feet and those between the eyebrows.

What is the treatment with botulinum toxin?

It is a facial rejuvenation treatment that is applied by infiltrating muscles or muscle packets in small quantities or volumes. It is not a painful treatment since the only thing that can hurt is the puncture and because it is a very fine needle it does not need any analgesia or previous anesthesia.

The sessions of the botulinum toxin treatment have a duration of approximately 15 or 20 minutes but also depends on the areas to be treated. The patient after treatment is incorporated into his normal life without any social limitation, he can begin to work and make his normal life.

Areas where the treatment can be applied

The top zone for the application of botulinum toxin is the upper third of the face. However, it can also be applied in jaws in the case of patients who suffer from bruxism or who have prominent masseters since the botulinum toxin acts relaxing the masseters and providing a more pleasant appearance to the whole face.


Do you want more information about botulinum toxin and facial rejuvenation in Las Palmas?


How does botulinum toxin work?

Botulinum toxin is a substance that acts by inhibiting the synapse between the peripheral nerve and the muscle, thus preventing the muscle from making strong contractions and forcing the skin to make these wrinkles.

The results of the botulinum toxin treatment begin to be visible from the third day. This is when you begin to see that the muscle no longer has as much power to contract, and the skin looks more stretched and less wrinkled. The final result will be seen in the retouch after 15 days. We always make appointments to patients for a new consultation after 15 days. It allows us to make a new assessment, in case you need to increase the dose or correct any area, it is done in that consultation.

Regarding the duration of these results after treatment, this is personal since the treatment with botulinum toxin in some patients lasts four months and in others a little more. However, from the fourth or fifth month it would be convenient to reapply the treatment.

Combination with other aesthetic treatments

Botulinum toxin is usually combined with other aesthetic treatments such as facial fillers, including hyaluronic acid. But you can also combine the treatment with pulsed light, laser or peeling.


Do you want to know more about botox and facial rejuvenation in Las Palmas?


Are scars left after the application?

The application of botulinum toxin does not leave scars because it is usually infiltrated with a very fine needle such as insulin and in a very small volume. The only adverse effect that could appear is a small bleeding or small bruise. In the event that these bruises appear, they are very small and superficial. So they are reabsorbed or disappear on the fifth or sixth day.

At what age should you begin to apply botulinum toxin?

Botulinum toxin does not have an age to start treatment. It depends on each patient whether or not they need it. There are cases of patients who at the age of 20 have wrinkles due to their expression dynamics that could appear to be those of a 40-year-old. Therefore, there is no age at which to apply botulinum toxin but rather it is applied when a patient needs it and especially if it is preventive. In this case, by applying the botulinum toxin early in small doses, fewer wrinkles will appear when we reach for example 50 years.




Dr. Josué Rodríguez Purón

Aesthetic doctor of the Clínica Nuestra Señora del Carmen

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