Categories: Dermatology

How to care for the skin in outdoor activities

During the summer, the good weather encourages us to do more outdoor activities. This increases certain risks to the skin, especially in the smallest ones; So it is important to know how to act in the most frequent situations:

1- Insect bites

In our environment the most frequent are: the bites of mosquitoes, wasps or bees.

En non-allergic people the typical symptomatology is purely cutaneous, as for example the sitching and burning intense in the area, redness and swelling.

En allergic people or with basic skin problems exaggerated reactions with blisters may exist at the cutaneous level and even clinical to other levels (feeling of suffocation, shortness of breath, hypotension or shock).

It is important for allergic patients to always be identified by bracelets and have injectable adrenaline devices at all times.

Before the skin reactions, the discomfort derived from itching and inflammation may make the application of creams with anti-inflammatory active ingredients, such as steroids, immunomodulators and even the use of oral anti-inflammatory or antihistamines, if required. On the other hand, in mild cases, natural active ingredients such as calamine, marigold, ichthyol or arnika can offer an improvement in symptoms.

For avoid the bites, it is important to apply the repellents suitable on clothes, skin or bedding. In addition, we must take precautions by wearing protective clothes especially after 6 in the afternoon.

2- Solar exhibition

The outdoor activities that we do in summer, Suppose many times a long period of insolation which includes the central hours of the day. 

In case of children under 2 years, We avoid direct exposure without clothing protection. On the other hand, en older children and adultsIn addition to clothing, it is advisable to use protective glasses, hats and filters.

To apply the sunscreens correctly, we must do it half an hour before the exhibition and repeat the applications frequently (every 90 minutes). In addition, sIf we sweat a lot or get wet, we must reapply the protective cream to maintain its effectiveness.

It should be noted that even wearing the right clothes and creams, the central hours of the day (of 12 to 16 hours) Should not be used in activities in areas without shade, since the UV radiation index is the highest of the day and therefore, the risk of sunburn is high even with photoprotection.

If that the burn, the degree will indicate as we must Act:

  • In burns superficial first degree, the use of intensive emollients or anti-inflammatories if there is pain is usually enough to relieve the symptoms.
  • In cases of deep, second and third degree burns, sometimes it will be necessary to perform local cures with antibiotics or anti-inflammatories and oral analgesia intake.

We must remember that the risk of skin cancer in adult life is directly related to the number of sunburn in the childhood.

3- Wounds, skin lacerations

Outdoor activities, excursions to the mountains or the beach, can also be complicated especially in the case of children with wounds or skin trauma.

Lo first thing to do in the case of a skin laceration is to assess the severity of the box.

  • If the wound is superficial, there are no foreign bodies within it, or rupture of vessels that imply significant bleeding, this complication can be easily resolved with a compression with sterile cotton gauze for a few minutes and the application of a suitable antiseptic (povidone iodine, chlorhexidine) . It is advisable to cover the wound to avoid sun exposure and superinfection.
  • In the case of deep wounds, vascular lacerations or traumatisms with dirty, rusted surfaces, it is advisable to go to a health center to perform a correct tetanus or antibiotic prophylaxis and suture if necessary.




Dra. Marina Rodríguez Martín

Specialist in Dermatology Expert in medical-surgical dermatology and venereology Medical Director of Dermaten Clinics

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