
The Intelligent Operating Room: safety and precision in cataract surgery

What makes the intelligent operating room stand out in Ophthalmology?

El Intelligent Operating Room it's a new concept of the Ophthalmology which represents a set of technologies that generate a new system that multiplies the safety and precision of the cataract surgery. These technologies begin from the moment the patient visits us in the clinic in the consultation.

The tests that we carried out before the surgery, will allow us to plan how the intervention should be, where we have to make the incisions, how we have to implant the lens, what lens we have to put and all that planning that we previously made. We can send directly to our surgical teams.

All the steps of the surgery are interconnected in the intelligent operating room. From the capture of the biometric data of the patient's eye in the preoperative phase, to the last steps of surgery, where a system of image guidance in the microscope itself helps the surgeon to orient the toric intraocular lens for the correction of astigmatism on the correct axis. How does this system work?

1º Capture a reference image
During the preoperative period, a digital image of the patient's eye is taken, which is then used as a reference to recognize the patient once we are in the operating room, depending on the blood vessels, the pupil and other anatomical parts of the eye.

2º Preoperative planning
Starting from the previous image, the incisions are planned, the treatment of the astigmatism is planned and the power and orientation of the intraocular lens that is going to be implanted is calculated.

3º Laser treatment of cataract
This planning is transferred in a network to the laser that after recognizing that fingerprint of the patient's eye performs the most important steps of the intervention exactly as it was programmed and with absolute precision.

4º Intra-operative guidance
A system installed in the surgical microscope superimposes a guidance system during the second part of the operation for the correct centering and alignment of the intraocular lens.

Thanks to all this process, upon arriving at the operating room, our surgical teams are already programmed with the planning we have made based on the data obtained in the consultation. Within those surgical teams in the Intelligent Operating Room, the laser lens surgery team attaches great importance. It is a team that we have in Eurocanarias Oftalmológica for many years that will allow us to perform the most delicate parts of the operation with safety and precision.

Later, when we are going to implant the intraocular lens, we have another series of equipment in the operating room that will allow us to follow-up throughout the operation. They will also allow us to constantly compare the planning we have done before the intervention with the data that is being obtained in the same moment of the intervention in such a way that the teams will talk to each other to suggest to the surgeon which is the most adequate to be implanted, how many diopters should be and what is the most correct position where it should be.

In the end with all this integrated technology what we are going to achieve is that the visual result of the patient is the most satisfactory possible and in some way get the patient to eliminate the dependency of the glasses in the postoperative period.


Are you interested in learning more about this technique with Dr. Humberto Carreras?



Dr. Humberto Carreras

Specialist in Ophthalmology Expert in cataracts and surgery with intraocular lenses Medical Co-Director of Eurocanarias Oftalmológica Clinic

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